
9/28 (Wed.) “DUMB & DUMBER” release commemorative enrollment campaign !!

9/28 (Wed.) To commemorate the release of New SINGLE "DUMB & DUMBER"
iKONIC JAPAN membership campaign has been decided!

For those who have enrolled (= paid) between 9/28 (Wed)-9/30 (Fri),
" iKON JAPAN TOUR 2016" venue benefits, "1 postcard (7 random) 1" gift

Please join us at this opportunity ♪

[How to join the fan club]
Please access the following fan club site from your mobile phone or PC, and follow the procedures from [New Member].

* "Postcard (1)" is a gift of one of seven types. Please note that you cannot choose a design.
* "Postcard (1)" is the same as the one given as a venue bonus at [iKON JAPAN TOUR 2016].
* "Postcard (1)" will be sent with your membership card and enrollment privilege enclosed.
* If payment cannot be confirmed during the campaign period, the gift will not be eligible.

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